What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
leaning on the everlasting arms…

I woke up this morning with that hymn in my head. How perfect! I’ve been living its spirit among you.
The lively conversation of last night’s Church Committee buzzed with excitement for Confirmation Sunday so close on the heels of Saturday’s concert, Music In May. We talked about initiatives in Christian Education, Outreach, Music and Finance. We looked at plans and shared ideas for upcoming worship and pastoral care. There are so many fine things on our horizon and, as in any church, there are many tasks to share among many hands to get good plans to come to fruition.
And speaking of fruit – have you signed up to help with the Strawberry Fest and Grill Tent?!?! I’m hulling and hauling and generally helping (translate: doing whatever I’m told). Hope I get a chance to do some of that with you!
Oh how bright the path grows from day to day,
leaning on the everlasting arms…

I am excited about sharing the Birthday of the Church with our children on Pentecost Sunday (MAY 20). Fellowship Sunday is a few weeks later, when we’ll give Bibles to our 3rd Graders, lift up our graduates, commission the participants in this years’ Appalachia Service Project and season the post-worship potluck with Italian flavors as we celebrate Tony Emanuello’s retirement after 15 years as our sexton (JUNE 10). I’m looking forward to seeing how the South Shore Arts Festival wraps around our shortcake endeavors (JUNE 15, 16, 17) and I’m thrilled to be joining the ASP crew heading out to Kentucky and West Virginia on Saturday, June 23.
Worship on Triathalon Day will be in the Chapel at 11 am (JUNE 24) and, by the time I get back, you will already have opened the summer season of services at the Sailing Club (JULY 1). Whew! And WOW. What a line-up. And what a way to BE the gathered Body of Christ in this time and this place – open, inviting, accessible, available, accountable, committed, community-focused and rooted in faith.
Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms!
See you in church!
Pastor Karen