Finance Committee

The Finance Committee’s primary responsibilities are preparing and recommending the annual budget to the Church Committee and Congregation. They monitor expenditures throughout the year and oversee our investment portfolio.

We have so many reasons to celebrate – a great community of caring people, a proud history and a deep hope that we can make a difference in our local communities and beyond.

Being an active participant in the life of SCC includes financial support to the extent you are able. One way to say thank you for all our blessing is by giving.

Each fall the Finance Committee kicks off our annual Stewardship Campaign, which provides the majority of funds for the Church’s annual budget and operating needs. The budget is supplemented with a number of fundraisers during the year like the Quilt Show, Strawberry Festival and other great events.

Your gift matters! SCC is both pleased and grateful to receive your gifts in support of the ministries and missions of the Church. To (Give) submit a pledge please click here.


The Finance Committee shall: Act as financial overseer for church operations. Receive reports from the Treasurer. Receive annual budget recommendations from the several church boards and committees. Report these to the Church Committee, with Finance Committee recommendations and, after review and approval by the Church Committee, present a budget to the Annual Meeting for discussion and appropriate action. Be in charge of church fund raising. Join with the Board of Trustees in advising and sanctioning investments, re-investments and sale of securities, and meet with them annually; seek such other outside advice as may, from time to time, be appropriate.

The Finance Committee shall appoint an auditor who shall examine the books and records of the Church, including all bank accounts and invested securities. The auditor shall make at least one annual audit or review or as many special audits as deemed necessary. The auditor’s report shall be presented at the Annual Meeting.

Committee Members

Paul Carlson
Jeff Nothnagle
Jack Creighton
Kim Maynard, Treasurer
Ruth Nedrow, Assistant Treasurer
Wilma Vanderlugt, Financial Secretary
Martha Horsefield, Assistant Financial Secretary

Upcoming Meetings