Minister’s Note on Church Membership

George Baumgarten, Michael Doherty and I hosted a brunch at the Parsonage after worship last week. It was for individuals who expressed interest in joining Second Congregational Church. We talked about how each of us had come to be at SCC, where we had come from, our...

Minister’s Note on God’s Love

What are we, O God, that you are mindful of us: of our comings, our goings, our minor disasters and our major life events? Who are we, O God, that you care for us: our joys and our sorrows, our courage and our fears, our whole-hearted endeavors and our rapid retreats?...

Minister’s Musings from Sept 2019

Why do you go to church?  Why do you not go to church?  What do you want from your church?  What do you wish?  …hope?  …wonder?  What do you look for?  What do you need?  When do you feel like your needs are being met?  When do you feel you’re left wanting?  What...

From the Minister”s Study

In Christ there is no east or west, in him no south or north; but one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth. Lyrics: John Oxenham (1852-1941) Once upon a time, in a farmhouse far away, I led a weekend retreat for adults. I’d had a lot of fun...
From the Minister’s Study

From the Minister’s Study

I love to tell the story; for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest.  And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, ‘twill be the old, old story, that I have loved so long. Lyrics: Katherine Hankey (1834-1911) Music:...