by Karen Bailey-Francois | Nov 25, 2022 | Minister Notes
What are we, O God, that you are mindful of us: of our comings, our goings, our minor disasters and our major life events? Who are we, O God, that you care for us: our joys and our sorrows, our courage and our fears, our whole-hearted endeavors and our rapid retreats?...
by Karen Bailey-Francois | Oct 21, 2022 | Minister Notes
How, exactly, do we find ourselves in the Fall of 2022? And not just barely arriving, but well into the season?!? Our return to worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, September 11, was a week earlier than planned… focused more on honoring the day than on jubilation at...
by Karen Bailey-Francois | Nov 12, 2021 | Minister Notes
COVID, Nor’easters and Fairs, oh my! Windows and Ceilings and Floors, HooBoy! The Wizard of Oz is among my life-long favorites. I can sing every word from memory… and recite most of the dialogue! Among my most cherished memories is the scene in the forest as...
by Karen Bailey-Francois | Sep 18, 2021 | Minister Notes
I had thought to start this article with a silly but serious reference to Woody Allen’s oft-cited words, as adapted from an old Yiddish proverb: “If you want to hear God laugh, make plans.” Or perhaps the 18th century Scottish Poet Robert Burns’ observation: “The...
by Karen Bailey-Francois | Jul 20, 2021 | Minister Notes
Safety. Have the past many long months had any more prevalent theme? We’ve sought safety for ourselves, for our families, for our friends. We’ve wrestled with how best to ensure the safety of our homes, our schools, our work space and our church. We’ve wondered if...
by Karen Bailey-Francois | Jun 1, 2021 | Minister Notes
The first cross I ever owned was gold. It was small, with a delicate design embossed on the front, suspended on a fragile gold chain. I have had it as long as I can remember. It held a place of honor in my first jewelry box — a white case with a red interior...